Parks & Recreation Departments

Stop Sweating your Life Away Painting Fields! With TinyMobileRobots, your crew can Layout and Paint Fields in Minutes, Not Hours. Initial Layout of the Field Becomes just as Easy as Re-Marking Lines. When you give Your Staff the Tools to Reduce Painting Down to a 1-Person Job, You can Reallocate your Team Members to Other important Tasks.

Our Robots Run Autonomously, So the 1-Person Operator Can Multi-Task on Other Jobs like Mowing, Edging, and Improving the Turf. 

Say Goodbye to Hours of Field Layout. Just Use the Tablet to Drag & Drop your Fields Exactly Where You Want Them, Load the Paint, and Press Start.

Robots Come with 100s of Built-in Field Templates that You can Resize and Customize to Your Needs Without Loosing Proper Field Proportions.

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Schools & School Districts

The Field is a Point of Pride for the Community. Every Sport and Athlete Deserves Elite-Looking Fields that Reflect Well on the School and Create An Edge. TinyMobileRobots Reduces the Time, Labor, and Paint Needed to Make that Happen — Giving Grounds Crews More Time to Accomplish Additional Tasks.

Get Sharp, Accurate Lines Every Time, for any Field or Sport. Even Tough Details like Hash Marks, Arcs, and Endzone Lettering are No Problem for TinyMobileRobots.

Unlock New Revenue Streams with the Ability to Paint Sponsorship Logos and Special Text on Your Field with No Difficult Stencils Required.

Duplicate Your Previous Fields with a Click, Now You can Stop Painting Fields Just to Keep From Losing the Existing Lines. 

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Colleges & Universities

Campus Rec and Athletic Departments, the Job of Painting Fields prevents Crews for Making other Improvements that can Elevate the Feel of the Entire Department or School. With TinyMobileRobots, Crews can Make Every Field Worthy of Competition so They can Focus their Efforts on the Areas that Matter Most.

Extend the Elite Feel of the Gameday Field to Practice Fields, Clubs and Intramural Fields.

Say Goodbye to Tapes, Strings and Push Painters, and Repainting Fields Just to Keep from Losing the Existing Lines.

Layout Fields in Minutes, Not Hours. Our Robot come with 100s of Field Templets for Every Sport and Club.

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Clubs & Youth Teams

Soccer, Lacrosse or other Clubs No Longer Need to Scramble for Volunteers to Layout and Paint Fields for Practices, Games, or Tournaments. With TinyMobileRobots, a Single Person can Deliver 10-20 Elite Fields in a Fraction of the Time.

Paint Perfect Fields in Minutes, Not Hours, with No Special Knowledge or Skillset.

Drag & Drop Fields Exactly Where You Need Them Through the Robot’s Intuitive Google Maps Interface.

Elevate the Quality of your Field by Adding Sponsor, Club, and League Logos to Your Field Painting.

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Sports Plex & Sports Complexes

Your Sports Complex Becomes Known as the Place to Host Tournaments and Camps when the Fields and Facilities Feel World-Class. TinyMobileRobots helps you Instill an Elite Atmosphere on Your Sports Fields to Drive Revenue and Create a Thrilling experience for Athletes & Spectators.

Our Field Painting Robots can Paint Over a Dozen Fields in a Single Day Without Tying up Your Crews.

The Ability to Paint Perfect Lines as Well as Custom Designs & Sponsorship Logos takes Your Facilities to the Next Level and Helps Drive Revenue.

TinyMobileRobots are Designed to Work as Hard as Your Crews. They’re so Durable, We Don’t Even Know How Long They Last. Our First Generation of our Field Painting Robots are Still Out There Saving Crews Hours Each Week.

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Professional Teams

Top-tier Performance Demands an Elite Atmosphere. TinyMobileRobots allows Teams Extend the Professional Quality to Practice Fields and Youth Academies with Minimal Time and Effort — So They can Spend More Time on Their Game Fields and Other High-Priority Tasks. 

Paint Fields from Scratch, Without Any of the Tapes, Strings, and Stakes Normally Used in Field Layout.

Place Fields Exactly Where You Need Them Through an Intuitive Drag-&-Drop Google Maps Interface.

Copy Previous Paint Jobs with a Single Click, or Layout a Custom Practice Field Setup

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