Pickleball Bags

Pickleball Bags | Pickleball Galaxy { document.querySelectorAll(‘form’).forEach(form => { if (form.getAttribute(‘name’)?.length) { return; } const identifier = form.elements?.Action?.value ?? form.dataset?.hook ?? form.querySelector(‘legend’)?.innerText; if (identifier?.length) { form.name = identifier; } }); }); window.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, () => { let timeoutId; const debouncedSearch = (e) => { clearTimeout(timeoutId); timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { const search_term = e?.target?.value; if (!search_term?.length) { return; } dataLayer.push({ event: ‘search’, search_term }); }, 500); }; const searchInputs = document.querySelectorAll(‘input[name=”Search”]’); searchInputs.forEach(input => { input.addEventListener(‘input’, debouncedSearch) }); }); class MMXPromotionTracker { constructor() { window.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, () => { this.init(); }); } init() { this.promotions = document.querySelectorAll(‘[data-flex-item]’); if (!this.promotions.length) { return; } this.promotionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { this.observedCallback(entries); }, {threshold: [0.75]}); this.promotions.forEach((promotion, i) => { this.promotionObserver.observe(promotion); promotion.addEventListener(‘click’, (e) => { this.promotionClicked(promotion, e); }); }); } promotionClicked(promotion, e){ let clickedLink = false; let products = []; let clickedHero; e.composedPath().forEach(item => { if (item.nodeName === ‘A’ || (item.nodeName === ‘MMX-HERO’ && item.dataset?.href?.length)) { clickedLink = true; } if (item.nodeName === ‘MMX-HERO’) { clickedHero = item; } else if (item.nodeName === ‘MMX-PRODUCT-CAROUSEL’) { const clickedProductIndex = […item.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll(‘mmx-hero[slot=”hero_slide”]’)].findIndex(heroSlide => heroSlide === clickedHero); products = [item?.products[clickedProductIndex]]; } else if (item.nodeName === ‘MMX-FEATURED-PRODUCT’) { products = [item?.product]; } }); if (clickedLink) { this.trackPromotion(‘select_promotion’, promotion, products); } }; trackPromotion(event, item, products = []) { dataLayer.push({ ecommerce: null }); dataLayer.push({ event, ecommerce: { creative_name: item.getAttribute(‘data-flex-item’), creative_slot: […this.promotions].findIndex(promotion => promotion === item) + 1, items: this.productsToEcommerceItems(products), promotion_id: item.getAttribute(‘data-flex-component’) } }); }; observedCallback(entries) { entries.forEach((entry, entryIndex) => { if (!entry.isIntersecting) { return; } this.trackPromotion(‘view_promotion’, entry.target, entry.target?.products); }); }; productsToEcommerceItems(products = []) { if (!products?.length) { return []; } return products.map((item, i) => { return { item_id: item.code, item_name: item.name, item_sku: item?.sku, index: i, price: item.price, discount: item.base_price – item.price, quantity: 1 } }); } } new MMXPromotionTracker(); ]]> Shop by Category FREE 1-2 Day SHIPPING over $69 to contiguous US – FREE to Canada over $349 – FREE International over $699

Pickleball Bags

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