Neymar’s new team in Saudi sends Giannis Antetokounmpo a custom
Milwaukee Bucks superstar forward Giannis Antetokounmpo may be primarily focused on basketball. However, he is also an avid soccer fan. Last month, French soccer star Kylian Mbappe turned down a massive one-year, $776 million offer from Saudi Arabian club Al Hilal. Antetokounmpo then joked that he would accept the offer instead as he bore a resemblance to Mbappe.
The Greek star’s tweet quickly went viral, leading the Saudi club to send Antetokounmpo a custom Al Hilal jersey this week:
“Your jersey is ready @Giannis_An34. Welcome ‘GIANNIS’ to our family,” Al Hilal’s official Twitter account tweeted.
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Shortly after receiving the gift, Antetokounmpo took the opportunity to pose for a photo with newly signed Al Hilal star Neymar. He then joked that he and Neymar were ready to take over the Saudi League:
“Best duo in Saudi league!!” Antetokounmpo tweeted.
Neymar recently transferred from Paris Saint-Germain to Al Hilal earlier this week. Per ESPN, the Brazilian star reportedly received a two-year contract worth around $100 million annually.
Antetokounmpo has not received an official offer from Al Hilal and is likely just having fun. However, maybe the Greek star would be willing to make the transition to soccer for the right price.
Giannis Antetokounmpo on his passion for soccer
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Neymar’s new team in Saudi sends Giannis Antetokounmpo a custom
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