Which team holds the best MLB record before the All-Star
The MLB All-Star break is here, and as teams gear up to assess their first half of the season, here’s looking at the teams with the best record so far.
Currently, the MLB is led by the National League East’s Atlanta Braves, who have dominated the league in the past month. They have a 60-28 record with a .682 PCT. In the last ten games, they have lost just once and have equally distributed their 60 wins both at home and on the road.
The American League is led by the American League East’s Tampa Bay Rays, who had an explosive start back in April. The Rays were the MLB-leading team for a long time with a PCT over .700 but have lost some steam since. They have a 57-35 record, with just 3 wins in the last ten fixtures.
= poll.poll_start_time) && (Date.now()/1000 <= poll.poll_end_time)) result[poll.poll_id] = poll; return result; }, {}); var pollsCount = Object.keys(POLLS_BY_ID).length; var pollCarousel = $('.polls-carousel'); for(var i = 0; i < pollsCount; i++) { var pollObject = POLLS_BY_ID[Object.keys(POLLS_BY_ID)[i]]; var onePollNode = document.importNode($("#bets-today-poll").cloneNode(true).content, true); onePollNode.querySelector('.preview-card-holder').setAttribute("data-poll-id", pollObject.poll_id); var date = onePollNode.querySelector(".date"); date.innerText = pollObject.date; var time = onePollNode.querySelector(".time"); time.innerText = POLLS_BY_ID[Object.keys(POLLS_BY_ID)[i]].time; var expertDataItems = onePollNode.querySelectorAll(".expert-data-item"); for (var j = 0 ; j 1) { var savedOptionCount = localStorageValues[1]; resultData = localStorageValues[0]; if (savedOptionCount == pollData[resultData+"_count"]) { pollData[resultData + "_count"] += 1; } } renderPollWidgetX(pollData.ID, resultData, false); } function onPollResponseSuccessX(pollId, selectedOption) { setLocalStorageData("bets_today_poll_" + pollId, selectedOption + "__" + POLLS_BY_ID[pollId][selectedOption+"_count"]); updatePollCountOnAnswerX(POLLS_BY_ID[pollId], selectedOption); } function answerPollX(e, ele, selectedOption) { e.preventDefault(); var pollId = ele.getAttribute("data-poll-id"); try{ permutive.track('PollResponse',{ "pagetype": "Articlepage", "category": "Baseball", "answer": { "text": e.target.textContent }, "question": { "text": POLLS_BY_ID[pollId].question } }); } catch (err) { console.log(err); } var isDesktop = "1"; var gaPayload = { "question" : POLLS_BY_ID[pollId].question, "answer" : e.target.textContent, "answer_option" : selectedOption.replace("option", "Option "), "category": "Baseball", "page_location": window.location.href, } if (isDesktop) { gaPayload["device"] = "Desktop"; } else { gaPayload["device"] = "Mobile"; } gtag("event", "BETS_TODAY_POLL_RESPONSE", gaPayload); var url = 'https://a-gotham.sportskeeda.com/polls/' + pollId +'/response'; var data = { "poll_type": "article", "option": selectedOption } pureJSAjaxPost(url, data, onPollResponseSuccessX.bind(this, pollId, selectedOption), null, null, false); } function updatePollCountOnAnswerX(pollData, selectedOption) { renderPollWidgetX(pollData.ID, selectedOption, true); } function renderPollWidgetX(pollId, selectedOption, isAnswered) { if (!pollId) return; if (isAnswered) { pollData = POLLS_BY_ID[pollId]; } var pollId = pollData.ID; var selector = '[data-poll-id="' + pollId + '"]'; var pollNode = document.querySelector(selector); pollNode.querySelector('.poll-question').innerText = pollData.question; pollData.option1_count = pollData.option1_count || 0; pollData.option2_count = pollData.option2_count || 0; var totalVotes = pollData.option1_count + pollData.option2_count; if (isAnswered) { if (selectedOption == "option1") pollData.option1_count += 1; if (selectedOption == "option2") pollData.option2_count += 1; totalVotes = Number(pollData.option1_count + pollData.option2_count); } var option1Percent = pollData.option1_count / totalVotes * 100; var option2Percent = pollData.option2_count / totalVotes * 100; var optionPercentages = [option1Percent, option2Percent]; var pollOptions = pollNode.querySelector(".poll-options"); var pollCount = pollNode.querySelector(".poll-count"); var pollOptionsDom = ''; var optionsArray = ['option1', 'option2']; optionsArray.forEach(function(option, index) { var clickHandler = 'onclick="BetsTodayPollsHandler.answerPollX(event, this, '' + option + '')"'; var optionClass = ['poll-option']; if (selectedOption) { optionClass.push('poll-option-answered'); clickHandler = ''; } if (selectedOption === option) { optionClass.push('poll-option-selected'); } pollOptionsDom += ''; if (selectedOption) { var widthValue; if (optionClass.includes("poll-option-selected")) { if (optionPercentages[index] == 100) { widthValue = "calc(100% - 10px)"; } else { widthValue = "calc(" + optionPercentages[index] + "% - 5px)"; } } else { widthValue = optionPercentages[index] + "%"; } if (optionPercentages[index] == 100) { pollOptionsDom += ''; } else { pollOptionsDom += ''; } } pollOptionsDom += '
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Other division leaders at the MLB All-Star break
Both divisions out in the West are at par with each other. The Texas Rangers lead the AL West with the next-best record at 52-38 and a .578 PCT. However, just like the Rays, the Rangers have lost seven in the last ten.
The NL West is led by the Arizona Diamondbacks, who, like the Braves, have equally distributed their 52 wins both home and on the road. The D-backs, however, have lost 23 times at Chase Field as compared to their 15 losses in away fixtures.
Both Central divisions have proved to be the weakest so far this season. The NL Central is led by the Cincinnati Reds, who have a 50-40 record with .556 PCT. However, unlike other division leaders, the Reds are on the rise as they have the second-best recent form in the league with 8-2.
Finally, the AL Central is topped by the Cleveland Guardians, who are barely making it past the .500 PCT with a 45-44 record. Several other AL teams have a better record than them.
It remains to be seen if this list stays the same at the end of the regular season a few months later.
1) { var savedOptionCount = localStorageValues[1]; resultData = localStorageValues[0]; if (savedOptionCount == pollData[resultData+”_count”]) { pollData[resultData + “_count”] += 1; } } renderPollWidget(pollData, resultData, false); } function getPollData() { } getPollData(); function onPollResponseSuccess(selectedOption) { setLocalStorageData(pollKey, selectedOption + “__” + pollDataDefault[selectedOption+”_count”]); } function onPollResponseFail(selectedOption) { console.log(‘Poll response fail’); var pollData = null; var pollOptions = $(“#poll-options”); var pollCount = $(“#poll-count”); var pollOptionsDom = ”; var totalVotes = Number(pollData.option1_count + pollData.option2_count + pollData.option3_count + pollData.option4_count); var optionsArray = [‘option1’, ‘option2’]; if (pollData.option3 !== “” && pollData.option3 !== null) { optionsArray.push(‘option3’) } if (pollData.option4 !== “” && pollData.option4 !== null) { optionsArray.push(‘option4’) } optionsArray.forEach(function(option, index) { var clickHandler = ‘onclick=”answerPoll(event, ” + option + ”)”‘; $(‘#’+option).classList.remove(‘poll-option-answered’); if(option === selectedOption) { $(‘#’+option).classList.remove(‘poll-option-selected’); } pollOptionsDom += ”; pollOptionsDom += ‘
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Which team holds the best MLB record before the All-Star
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